Cell tower attacks: As we didn't have enough to deal with

Vandalised Rural Connectivity Group cellphone site may have been mistaken for 5G tower.

Northern Advocate reporter Peter de Graaf writes in Covid 19 coronavirus: Far North cell tower attack linked to Covid-19 hoax at the NZ Herald website:

The destruction of a cellphone tower north of Kaitaia is thought to be related to an online hoax linking 5G phone networks with the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The 4G tower on private farmland at Waiharara was a few days away from being turned on when it was irreparably damaged in an arson attack late last month.

The incident comes just as Northlanders’ reliance on telecommunications has increased due to the Covid-19 lockdown, with businesses and schools forced to move much of their activity online.

Attackers have damaged cell phone towers around the world in recent months. In this case the tower is not even a 5G site. There are no 5G towers north of Auckland.

The people behind the attacks think 5G technology is responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic. That’s disappointing. But it hardly surprising. A global industry exists stirring up fear and playing on people’s ignorance of technology and biology.

Cell tower attacks hit vital infrastructure

The cell tower attacks are going to make life harder still for everyone. Cell towers are vital infrastructure. In many parts of New Zealand they are the only practical telecommunications technology. They allow people to work from home. Students use it to keep up with lessons. Anyone in trouble needs cellular to call for emergency services.

It’s not as if telecommunications companies don’t already face a huge amount of pressure. Demand for services is at an all time high. Revenue is falling, in part because they no longer earn lucrative roaming fees. Earlier today 2degrees announced it is cutting 120 jobs.

There’s no question shady forces are behind the 5G conspiracy theories. It’s a heady mixture of foreign governments playing mind games with western rivals and attention seekers looking to win influence.

The saddest thing is there is no way to reason with the people who think 5G is killing folk. They dismiss every counter argument. Logic doesn’t play a role. Fear is the winner and right now emotions are on an edge. Tipping people over into a form of madness isn’t that hard these days.