Chorus data traffic at 2.84 Tbps as pandemic hits

Data traffic on Chorus’ fibre network hit a new record peak on Thursday at 2.84 Tbps. The fibre network company says this is comfortably within the network’s available headroom of 3.5 Tbps.

It says this level of data traffic is 24 percent above the normal baseline.

While traffic continues to increase, Chorus says it expects it to reach a steady state as the Covid–19 lockdown settles down.

Daytime data traffic doubles in lockdown

Daytime network data traffic is much higher than before the virus outbreak. Yesterday the traffic at noon was 1.99 Tbps. That is roughly double the data traffic before the crisis.

It’s not only Chorus that has seen a surge in data traffic. Other fibre companies report similar increases.

So far, the extra traffic hasn’t caused any hiccups. The nation’s four fibre networks are more than equal to the job being asked of them.

Fibre is better for working from home

Anyone reading this who is in a fibre area but not yet connected should upgrade as soon as possible. You will probably have to wait until the lockdown finishes first. Future lockdowns are likely. Make sure you are prepared.

If you’re in an area that will get fibre soon, check to see when it arrives. The second phase of the nationwide UFB network build is underway.

If your area is not scheduled for a fibre upgrade, it may pay to see what you can do instead. There are options for better broadband.

If you are already on fibre, work from home and don’t live on your own, upgrade to a gigabit plan. These don’t cost much more than standard fibre plans and they will give you enough bandwidth to work while others in your house watch Netflix or play games.

The upgrade doesn’t require a site visit from a technician, so it can be done now and doesn’t take long.