Business writing: Don't bore readers with company history

No-one cares when or where your company started.

If you’re writing a website about page, compiling a brochure or preparing a business proposal, don’t fall into the trap of adding a lengthy company history.

It is best to avoid histories altogether. If you must have one, keep it short and either link to the information on another web page or place it at the bottom. If you are working for a client who asks you to include a history, try to talk them out of it.

Whatever you do, don’t start anything written for customers with a history lecture.

Too many about pages begin with words to the effect of: “In 1997, three clever guys had the idea of forming a widget business and set up shop at 101 Boring Street, Dullsville, Arizona”.


Not only does company history bore readers, it sends a message that you are self-obsessed, maybe vain, possibly even narcissistic. This doesn’t help your business.

Worse, Google and other search engines will pick up on this information — particularly if it is near the top of your company about page — and there is a good chance the algorithm will assume your company history is more important than whatever valuable information your potential customers are searching for. This can be disastrous if you started out in one field and now operate in a different one.

Of course this rule doesn’t apply if you are selling history. Say you run a café in a historic building, you offer heritage vegetables or sell food made with your grandmother's recipe. In that case go for it.