NZ Tech Podcast: Slack and Amazon face Microsoft Teams

Join me on this week's New Zealand Tech Podcast where podcast host Paul Spain and I discuss the technologies that making working from home possible, in particular we look at Slack+Amazon compared with Microsoft Teams.

Also on the agenda, Amazon picking up the rights to UK free football streaming coverage and the UK establishing an alliance to compete with Huawei 5G technology. The idea is for a group of nations, including the G7 to band together and create an alternative.

We also talk about what is going on with the iPhone, give a quick update on events at Crown Infrastructure Partners, which was set up as Crown Fibre Holdings to co-ordinate the ultrafast broadband network build. We discuss Vodafone and CoreView along with missteps made by the company behind the Brave browser.

During the podcast Paul threw me a question: "Is it time to stop hating Microsoft"? It's a good question that I answer in more detail in the post in that last link. Short version for people who don't want to click: Microsoft is not the same company everyone hated 20 years ago, there's plenty to criticise, but those old grudges now look weird.

Source: Slack+Amazon vs Teams, iPhone beached for >14-months, UK vs Huawei, Time to stop hating on Microsoft? – NZ Tech Podcast