Telcowatch shows Spark ahead in mobile

Spark topped New Zealand’s mobile market share in the third quarter of 2021. It has a 36 per cent market share, a mere sliver in front of Vodafone which is on 35 per cent.

Adding in Spark’s Skinny subsidiary’s 7 per cent market share gives Spark a clear lead. Meanwhile 2degrees remains in third place with a 22 per cent market share.

Figures from Telcowatch show little in the way of quarter-on-quarter change. If there is any noticeable change it is that Spark has opened the gap with Vodafone.

Telcowatch is a quarterly snapshot of New Zealand’s mobile market based on numbers from Datamine. The company monitors 2.9 million active mobile devices. It does not include machine to machine devices or smart meters.

As noted last year, Telcowatch figures show the New Zealand mobile market is stable with little switching between carriers.