Why productivity is bunk

In Why Productivity is Bunk Charlie Gilkey zeros in on the problem with productivity:

… people spend hours and hours finding new ways to be quicker at things they don’t need to be doing in the first place.

There are times when finding new so-called productivity hacks is a form of prevarication.

There’s more in this vein. On his about page Gilkey writes his blog is:

… for recovering productivity junkies who have had enough of Getting Things Done and want to start getting things done.

As someone who has long been bemused by the cult of Getting Things Done and who can’t believe people fork out small fortunes for devices and software designed to help them get organised, I find Gilkey’s approach refreshing.

However, Gilkey is only part way into the recovery process, there’s a lot of material elsewhere in his blog looking suspiciously like productivity tips.