1 min read

The Y2K bug makes an unwelcome comeback | RNZ

Technology commentator Bill Bennett looks at how the Y2K bug is back – because it never exactly went away. In trying to solve the problem, programmers pushed it back 20 years. And time’s up. He’ll also look at how Volvo is experimenting with adding noise to near-silent EVs, after research showed pedestrians were twice as likely to be involved in an accident with EVs than those with traditional engines. And is working remotely back in fashion in response to corona virus?

Source: The Y2K bug makes a comeback | RNZ

I’m on RNZ Nine-to-Noon talking about technology.

You can read more about the return of the millennium bug in Y2K bug has a 2020 echo elsewhere on this site.

Fixing an electric car drawback

One of the positive things about electric cars is they are less noisy than petrol cars. This can be a problem, so Volvo is working to add noise.

Research shows pedestrians are twice as likely to have accidents with near-silent EVs than vehicles with traditional engines.

(U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)

This also applies to scooters and electric bikes. 

Being able to hear vehicles coming is as important as seeing them. 

New Zealand currently has no mandatory requirement for the vehicles to make noise to alert others on the roads.

Teleworking, remote working, telecommuting – they are all the same thing and they are back in fashion thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. Teleworking has been a perennial technology story for well over a generation. But bosses are not always keen to have employees working from where they can’t be watched over.