Mobile data security: “they” should look after it

New Zealanders think the government should take responsibility for data collected by mobile apps. They also think the organisations providing services such as banks and airlines should shoulder some of the task. And they think the job should go to internet and telecommunications service providers.
In short, New Zealanders think “they” should look after the data. Few people think it is their own responsibilty.
These opinions are the findings of the local segment of Unisys’ international Security Index research programme which tracks attitudes to IT security issues.
"Not my job"
Of the 500+ New Zealand adults surveyed, half think individuals are personally responsible for protecting data collected by mobile apps. Almost three-quarters said the companies providing services should carry the burden, while half think ISPs and telcos should take responsibility.
60 percent think the government should look after mobile app data security.
That’s right. New Zealanders want the same government that guards personal data so well in the WINZ kiosks and shows such high levels of technology expertise with its Novopay project to keep their mobile data safe.
What could possibly go wrong?
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