MacSparky on Apple Notes

David Sparks hits the spot with his post on Apple Notes:
When I showed up at WWDC last year, Apple Notes was nothing more than a target for my derision. When they announced during the keynote that they had an “all-new” Apple Notes I chortled and rolled my eyes.
Then I stated using Apple Notes and the strangest thing happened. I liked it.
This echoes my experience. At first I ignored Apple Notes, only using it as a way to collect and manage clips of cut and pasted text. Then I dived in and found the answer to many of my needs.
Sparks makes the obvious connection with Evernote. I can’t put my finger on a date, but sometime in the last year or so I lost patience with Evernote. It went from being useful to being annoying.
At that time I moved everything from Evernote to Microsoft OneNote. OneNote is the unsung hero of Office. I still like the app, but now I work on Apple hardware the integration in Apple Notes means it is central. I keep finding new ways to use it.
Sparks mentions a problem with Apple Notes: The tiny text size on a Mac screen.
…the text size on the Mac version is just too small. They keep adding new features with the betas and it keeps amazing me that they don’t address this problem.
At the moment this doesn’t bother me, my eyes are working well. I have macular degeneration which means at times I struggle to see small text. Notes’ tiny text may be a problem when that happens.
My main concern about Apple Notes is that it chews my precious iCloud data allowance. Apple only gives 5GB of free storage per customer, if you have more than one device that runs out fast. It looks like I’ll need to buy an iCloud data plan.
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