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Barnes and Noble prematurely claims Nook ebook success

Barnes and Noble says internal sales data shows the Nook e-reader is a hit. The company says the device is now its fastest selling item. Not bad considering the Nook doesn’t officially go on sale until November 30.

While the Nook, like Amazon’s Kindle, pushes e-book technology further into the mainstream, neither is yet the killer product able to do for books what Apple’s iPod did for music. Mind you, there are reports that Apple has a tablet waiting in the wings which could be the breakthrough reader.

Ebook readers still need to be kinder on the eyes. All the technology is now in place to make them practical except good, readable, high-resolution screens that don’t tire the eyes.

Early adopters won’t care about this, but most book lovers won’t switch to digital until the experience is as good as reading old-fashioned ink squirted on mashed-up trees.

The other issue that eBook companies have yet to address is the price of their books. It doesn't make sense that they cost more than physical books that need to be manufactured, printed and distributed.